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Audiobooks K5/P1 P1 P1/P2 P2 P2/P3 P3 P3/P4 LA GUERRA DE LOS YACARÉS LA GUERRA DE LOS YACARÉS / Quiroga, Horacio ¡NEW! – ESRecomendado; P3/P4 — Tema; CUENTO CON ANIMALES — Duración; 20:46 min / 17.8 MB NASREDDIN NASREDDIN TEN STORIES / Jennifer Gascoigne, retold by ENSuggested for; P3/P4 — Subject; FABLES — Length; Zip …

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Past and Present

Past and Present Located in the heart of the fashionable Belgrano area in Buenos Aires, Belgrano Day School holds a centennial tradition for academic excellence; outstanding achievement in art, drama and music production, and highly competitive sportsmanship. Belgrano Day School is a bilingual and coeducational school. It offers a national and international curriculum for pupils aged 2 to …

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Entry, exit and internal circulation protocol

Only in Spanish Este protocolo detalla las normas y procedimientos referidos a los horarios de entrada y salida, almuerzos y circulación interna, con los siguientes objetivos: 1) Proteger la seguridad de los niños y jóvenes en el ingreso, la salida y el interior del Colegio. 2) Optimizar el tiempo de clases, sin interrupciones innecesarias. 3) Cultivar los valores de la puntualidad, …

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About BDS

Letter from the School Board Dear parents: Welcome to Belgrano Day School. We hope this institutional site will help you get to know us and eventually decide whether our School is the right choice for your son or daughter. Rooted in our centenary tradition, and with the demands of today’s globalized world, BDS offers a …

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