These services are intended to promote greater communication between the home and the school:
· The BDS Webmail reaches the whole school community (parents, Heads, teachers, other staff and students).
· Info for parents allows Primary, Middle and Senior School parents to monitor their children’s attendance, grades and discipline. This service also provides Kindergarten parents with access to personalized reports on their son’s or daughter’s evolution and achievement, as well as to the school platform (Schoology) to see the class in action. Information is confidential and access requires a user’s name and password.
School Guidelines (Reglamentos Internos, available only in Spanish for Kindergarten, Primary and Middle & Senior, and BYOD).
For questions or doubts concerning reports, please contact the Secretary of the corresponding section (Kindergarten, ext. 266 – Primary, ext. 237 – Middle & Senior, ext. 243).
Questions or doubts of technological difficulties should be directed to IT Office or by telephone (54 11) 4781-0011 / 6011, ext. 268 or 239.
Thank you.